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Don’t Throw In the Trowel 

Tips and Quips on Gardening




People who eat from their own garden have great taste.


Everyone likes to be touched with affection — even Mother Earth.


When you pull a weed, pull it once and for all.


After breakfast, garden a while; after supper, walk a mile.


Rationalizing is the only way to deal with clover and dandelions. They flower prettily, they bring certain nutrients to the soil, and most importantly they are very easy to grow. What more could you want?


Never refrigerate potatoes, yams, squash, tomatoes, or pumpkins. They hold their flavors best at a cool room temperature.


No matter how cloudy the sky, it won't rain until you water your garden.


Plant petunias with your tomatoes. Petunia foliage is deadly to several insects, including the tomato hornworm.

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